Howard Players
How are you hosting events?
Following university guidelines, we will be hosting both virtual and in-person events this year! Our 8x10, for example, is set to be a hybrid event with two online dates held on this very website!
Is Howard Players COVID-compliant?
Absolutely! We're absolutely dedicated to making sure our members stay safe and healthy under our watch so every event requires freshly negative COVID tests, vaccination records, and for members to register ahead of time so we can properly social distance.
What are the 6 ensembles within The Howard Players?
Digital Art
Visual Art
How do I audition?
Auditions are conducted at the beginning of the Fall and Spring Semesters. All students enrolled at Howard University are eligible to become a member of The Howard Players. Auditions for the 2021-2022 Semester.
The Howard Players will release the audition period on their website and social media (IG & Twitter: @howardplayershu). Then you will be asked to submit a 60-90 second monologue and any additional relevant credentials if applicable. Upon review, you will receive notification of your acceptance into The Howard Players!